Flamenco is a beach in Culebra, an island municipality of Puerto Rico. This is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The particularity of this beach is that the sand is white and the water is very clear. It’s a beach to shower
and past a great day with your fellows. The island is small and you can stay in it in the front of Flamenco Beach in Hotels and Airbnb’s nearby. If you want to eat you going to find some kiosk in the beach and the island also have
a lot of restaurants.

How to arrive to Flamenco Beach:
You have to arrive to Culebra, one and the most used by almost everyone is to take a ferry in Ceiba, a town in the east of Puerto Rico, in Roosevelt Roads Waterfronts. It takes 45 minutes to arrive to Bahia Sardinas in Culebras.
Ticket Cost:
$2.25 USD Adult
$1.00 USD Children (3-11)
$1.00 USD Seniors (60-74)
$0.00 USD Seniors (75 +)
$0.00 USD Infants (0-2)
$1.13 USD Disabled
You can buy ticket at http://porferry.com
Another way to arrive to Culebra is by air.
Flight cost up to $45 one way or $80 round trip. http://flyairflamenco.com
Is very popular to rent a Jeep to move in all the island, the cost of rent is between $70 to $90 a day and you can rent in the terminals of the ferry or in the airport too.